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For our last blog of Children’s Dental Health Month, our team at LakeCrest Dental in Claremore, OK wants to give parents some helpful tips on how to help the littlest members of their households feel comfortable and confident about achieving good oral health at home and the dentist office!
How To Build Your Child’s Confidence About Dental Care
We care about your child’s dental health, which is why we consider this a team effort that starts early and continues as they grow into adults with families of their own.
Our team at LakeCrest Dental offers these two tips for building your child’s confidence in keeping their mouths healthy for life.
*Teach Them Early About Dental Care*
The most effective strategy parents can rely on when it comes to introducing kids to new ideas and behaviors is to start early.
If it’s something they’ve been doing for so long, they can’t even remember when they learned it, that behavior will become part of their nature.
This holds true for bedtime rituals, daily diet, and yes, even their oral hygiene routine.
Getting an early start in teaching them proper brushing and flossing technique will instill this important lifetime habit more successfully.
Then, you should consider choosing a kid-friendly family dentist like ours at LakeCrest Dental! We go out of our way to make kids feel comfortable and to create fun experiences for them during their dental appointments. We’ve established the Brave Kids Club as a way to reward children for successful dental appointments.
They can qualify for fun prizes, such as toys, free meals at local restaurants, and a Bravery Certificate!
Fostering a positive relationship between your children and your family dentist and staff is key in building their lifelong confidence about keeping up with professional dental care.
*Consider Laughing Gas To Ease Dental Anxiety*
Even kids who are pretty confident at regular dental appointments will inevitably face some sort of restorative procedure they’ve never experienced before. Studies show that by age 11, over half of kids will have had at least one cavity, in fact.
Kids are also movers and shakers, so they could also experience a dental emergency because of horseplay or a sports-related oral injury.
Considering the odds, you’ll likely come to a point where your child will need a filling or to have a tooth restored or extracted.
It’s understandable for them to be scared the first time this happens.
But with laughing gas at LakeCrest Dental, you can help your child get through it more easily. This inhaled sedation method is safe for all ages, and it takes immediate effect to help your child relax in the dental chair and get the treatment they need.
Although their first experience with treatment beyond a routine checkup may involve a little bit of drama, relying on laughing gas can prove to kids that dental treatments aren’t as scary as they originally thought.
Schedule An Appointment!
The earlier you’re able to introduce your child to the world of dentistry, the value of good oral care, and the proper way to clean their teeth and gums, the easier it will be for them to grow up with the confidence they need to take charge of their own health.
It may start at home, but it doesn’t end there! It continues at the dentist office, where your kids can build a trusting, lasting relationship with caring professionals like ours at LakeCrest Dental!
Give your child the advantage in maintaining a healthy smile for life! Call our Claremore, OK dental office today at 918-921-9583 or fill out our online form to schedule an appointment.
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